1030 McPhillips Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Making a difference in
our community with every meal
& Drink!
Community is everything!

Four Crowns, located 2 minutes North of the McPhillips Street Station Casino, is known for its kick ass menu, rockstar service, great tunes, being a little loud, and really taking care of it's community!
We are far from corporate and always warm. Whether it's a banquet, a meeting space or just out for a quick breakfast with the kids, or maybe a few drinks, our food and beverage menu levels up!
What's better than winning your dinner? That's right, we also have a great VLT Lounge - go ahead throw a quick 20 in while you wait for your food! But be sure to gamble responsibly, keep it fun!
Our mission: To support local businesses and talent, heavily support our local community while creating a safe and protected community for our customers, all while providing a fun and badass atmosphere with excellent food service!
Something you may not know: We are highly interested in working with our locals and law enforcement to bring our community to a much higher level of safety and security, therefore making our little world a better place for our kids to grow up in!
Because of YOU!
Everytime you eat here...
Everytime you stay here...
Everytime you order takeout...
Everytime you have a drink...
This allows us to further
support local charitable efforts!
We couldn't do it without you!
See below a list of efforts:
$500 donation to Dream Factory to support Zachary's Dream
$8000 worth of Feminine Hygiene Products to local Women's Shelters & Resource Centres including
Villa Rosa, Ross Brook House, Winnipeg Harvest, Turning Leaf Services, Siloam Mission, Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, St. James Collegiate, North Point Douglas Women's Shelter.
Winnipeg Police Service & First Responders Discounts
Rainbow Resource Centre $25/mo Monthly Donor to Camp Aurora - LGBT2SQ+ Youth camp
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities Services - SMD Services Monthly Donor 2019 - 2021
Alpha House - For Women Leaving Abuse $660
Winnipeg Annual Police Golf Tournament
Winnipeg Annual Police Charity Ball
Randy Viray Charity Golf Tournament
Team Drea Pepe $1000
Sick Neighbours with Children $500
Julia - ex-employee struggling single mother $400
Children's Hospital benefit Rivalry with The Club up to $400 so far!
Habitat for Humanity $160
United Way $521 + $829 = $1350
Agape Table $100
Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund $200
Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) - Food Donation, Pancakes & Sausages for MFRC Residents
Actively work with and support Leftovers Foundation
Support Emergency Domestic Violence Victims - Hotel Rosm & Meals, Support with WPS
Support Siloam Mission with food donations and hampers
Support local families with hampers and donations
Work with neighbouring schools and Leftovers Foundation to supply food to kids on weekends who cant access weekday food programs like the ones they have at school.
Truckload of food hampers donated to Ronald McDonald House
Never Alone Foundation $700
NorWest Co-op Community Health Centre $75 - May 2021
Feeding our School Kids Effort Spring/Summer Fall 2021
- On behalf of our sponsors, we supported Community Helpers Unite with a donation of $1000 - June 2021
- Thank you to our supporters Dan and Letitia Dudar for your support cheque of $500.
- Thank you to Cathie Maric for your support of $250
- Thank you Todd Longley from City Cats for your support of $100
- Thank you to our beer store team for their ongoing donations
- Thank you to Craig Lavand and Liz Chodor for your volunteer efforts!
- Thank you to Rex from Freshco for the food donations
- Thank you to Alan from Sysco Winnipeg for the food donations
Maple Leaf Foods & Think Food Service First Place Contest for helping the community in a national contest, awarded prize of $2500 - July 2021
Willow House Donation from Willow House Appreciation Day July 2021 of $100. We donated $1 of each entree sold and rounded the total up to $100.
Pig Roast and Parking Lot Journey Tribute Band Concert in support of Never Alone Cancer Foundation September of 2021
United Way Winnipeg Donation $1843 as we donated $1 of every Le Burger Week Sold for 2021
Manitoba Selects - Finish First Football Sponsorship $150 - November 2021
Never Alone Cancer Foundation November 2021 - $1050 Donated in honour of Bucky
Manitoba Selects Sports - $150 to local football fundraiser
Staff member, single mother, tough times with covid $1000 donated Jan 2022.
$600 Donation to Manitoba Fire Fighters Burn Fund in February 2022.
$800 Lunch to Winnipeg City Firefighters Graduation donated February 2022.
$100 Ride for Dad 2022 donation to Susan Wilson Team May 2022.
$200 Donation to Never Alone Cancer Foundation, July 11, 2022
$445 toy donation to Keeping it Reel / Never Alone Foundation fishing for kids event
$1621 Le Burger Week donations to waterfirst.ngo September 25, 2022.
$200 Table Sponsor to BHM Winnipeg on Feb 13, 2023
$200 WPS Old Timers Club Golf Tournament Hole Sponsorship. Feb 27, 2023
$50 to Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba for school kids food programs. March 20, 2023
$750 World Fire & Police Games - Hockey Team Sponsorship June 2023
$50 donation and shirts, hats, coolers for Platinum Jets Charity Golf through Mike Cavell July 2023
$250 est. 2 bicycles donated to Keeping it Reel fishing event for disadvantaged kids or families to create beautiful family memories boating & fishing - July 2023
$200 donated to Caribbean Heart Health Education Charity - August 2023
$100 donated to Dream Factory for Deadlifts for Dreams event in support of Nathan P. and sick kids dreams - September 2023
Our Four Crowns, Dreamland Diner, and St. James Burger teams, along with many friends and Winnipeg Clubs Old Timers and WPS members built 50 beds, and delivered 36 before Christmas 2023 with Sleep in Heavenly Peace, for kids who didn't have beds in our city! This was our 3rd delivery within 2 years delivering over 100 beds to kids in our city! We will keep this going.
$3000 donated to Winnipeg Police Charity Ball to raise money for the Children's Hospital held on April 27, 2024.
$2000 donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace with a comedy fundraiser held April 20, 2024.
$500 Sponsorship to Slo Pitch Baseball League March 2024
50 beds delivered to kids who don't have beds with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Today was the 1000th SHP bed delivered in Winnipeg! April 27, 2024
$400 Sponsorship to Winnipeg Clubs Golf Tournament, May 2024
$972 of food donated to Community Helpers Unite and North End Community Renewal Corp. May 28, 2024.
41 Sleep in Heavenly Peace Beds delivered to kids without bed on July 6, 2024. Thanks to our community for coming out and helping our FC fam!
2 Bicycles Donated to Keepin' it Reel, prizes for sick kids taken on a pro fishing guide day July 2024.
$1000 donated to Platinum Jets Golf Tournament hole sponsor July 2024.
$75 Gift Cards given to Central Hotel Charity Golf Tournament July 2024.
$500 Gift Cards given to La Salle Golf Tournament July 2024.
Donation of Roast Beef catering for Randy Viray Golf Tournament August 2024 in support of Cancer Care HSC.
Hot Dog Deliveries to Main Street Project / Siloam Mission areas of Main Street of 150 hot dogs throughout the weekend of July 12/13 2024.
Delivered Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches to Randy VIray Golf Tournament in support of Cancer Care Manitoba. August 8 2024.
$1500 donated to St James Rods Football Club for the Crunchers Team which effectively removed $100 from each kid's registration fees. - From St. James Burger August 8 2024.
$1500 donated to St James Rods Football Club for the Crunchers Team which effectively removed $100 from each kid's registration fees. - From Dreamland Diner August 8 2024.​
Hosted the Motorcycle Ride for Crime Stoppers Fundraiser 2024, September 2024.
$150 donated to The Dream Factory Nov 2024.
With our local community we donated $145 to Sam Gilks for Strathcona School in December 2024 as well as over 300 pairs of mittens, stuffies, and socks, toys for Christmas to Strathcona School. The school did not get their annual gifts to give to their students, so we pitched in and collected, along with our community the gifts for the kids. For many kids, this was all they got for Christmas. It was a huge success, and the public showed up in a massive way to support!

Oh, Hi Officer...
​Update: Due to covid, all first responder discounts will be paused until we can catch up as a business. We have proudly and loudly supported our first responders for over 5 years with discounts that remove our profit margin, plus. We thank you for supporting us during our time of financial difficulties. We will still support your efforts however we can.