1030 McPhillips Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Welcome to our first annual Ride for Crime! Local Restaurants in support of Crime Stoppers Winnipeg, and taking back our city from Crime!
A fun filled event where all riders are welcome! We have about 10 great stops, where you'll be able to collect great coupon deals at each restaurant!
Thank you to Heineken 0.0 for sponsoring prizes and sponsoring the FIRST 25 RIDERS TO SIGN UP!
Why does Crime Stoppers need our support? Did you know Crime Stoppers is an independent organization with a 100% volunteer board of directors? They work with the community, media and police to help gather tips to solve crime. The huge premise of Crime Stoppers is that the leads remain anonymous! They never want to know who you are! They also pay cash successful leads, don't worry this is also done anonymously!
Most people are good people who want to see crime disappear, but are afraid of the consequences of speaking out. This is where Crime Stoppers steps in! They never want to know your name, where you're from, who you are! They keep you anonymous!
This ride is to help spread the good word of Crime Stoppers but to also help raise funds to pay for successful leads and organizational expenses.
Event Details:
Saturday September 14
(Rainy Day Date Saturday Sept 21)
Registration 10:30am - 11am
Kickstands up 11:30am
See updated route on event poster.
Collect your coupons at each stop to be entered to win prizes at the wind up!
Price: $30 before ride day, $40 on ride day, or Free with $100 in Pledge Donations
If you have $100 in pledge donations, please email ravi@fourcrowns.ca, and we will manually register you to participate! You will not have to purchase a ticket online.
Don't forget if it rains, the ride will be postponed until the next Saturday Sept 21st.
TIckets are available at www.showpass.com/rideforcrime
Event Sponsorship Available! Contact info@fourcrowns.ca for more info!